Saturday, February 17, 2007

Eureka! But Has Positron Gone Crazy?

The sheer audacity of it! I knew that Vernon von Grun was mad enough to try it, and indeed my forcefields render me safe enough to try it, but Positron was using elements of the Hamidon to power the Freedom Phalanx? Is he mad?

Yes, with the help of ARAD and von Grun I have managed to decipher the mystery of the H-Booster and it appears to be some sort of synthetic Hamidon culture. One that will boost both damage output and range. For now, I've fitted it to the Assault ZR-6 and it seems to be working as per.

It will bear closer examination though - I now know a lot of villains among the Rogue Isles are using these things and I am worried that it may draw attention from the Hamidon itself...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Freedom Phalanx Defeated

On a mission direct from Lord Recluse himself, I was dispatched along with others (Corrupt Power, Soul Finder, Promethean, Nidah, Star Furie, Rouge Inferno and my old colleague Dr Zweistein) to deal with the Freedom Phalanx in Atlas Park.

Finally I would pit myself and my creations against the greatest forces for "good". We suffered losses along the way, and had to employ the use of both warheads from Warburg and Shivans from Bloody Bay but eventually emerged triumphant!

For my troubles, I now have a strange article that Positron called a "H-Booster". I'm not sure quite what it is yet and it will warrant further research...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

End of the Line? Pah, As If!

After all I have done for Arachnos, I am suprised that they have took so long to raise my Threat Clearance Level. From my early days of founding Arachnos Research and Development, to clearing the Rogue Isles of Giant Monsters and Heroes alike.

Lord Recluse himself bestowed upon me the highest threat clearance level any citizen of the Rogue Isles can hope to achieve, after passing a series of trials set by Mr Pither (Lord Recluses' Efficiency Expert). It was a quiet affair - just me, my creations and my Lord.

I am finally Made. Threat Clearance Level 50.

Best get back to work!