Saturday, December 31, 2005

Smart as a Button?

With the festive season over and done with (and whoever this "Gamester" is can just stop rereleasing my anti-gravity technology to the masses, as he's only going to make me angry) I got back to my research work for Arachnos.

I was asked by one of my brokers to liase with a Marshall Brass in Cap Au Diable. Typical military type, he had no brook with my desire for more information on the sort of work he may need doing, but he did assure me the work would be for the good of Arachnos as a whole.

Curiously, it appears he works closely with the famed Dr Aeon. His PTS system is a curiosity for me - it doesn't wholly appear to be technological in nature as the energy gremlins around Cap would testify to.

Friday, November 25, 2005


I took some time out from field-testing the ZR Series to do some comparative research. Since the Council had stolen my work, I thought it only just to return the favour. I am starting work on blueprints for a replacement Assault ZR model. My first beta - Assault ZR-Beta - was not quite what I was hoping for. While he is deadly efficient against single targets, he is poorly defended against multiple foes.

I need something with the ability to strike at multiple foes. Perhaps some sort of flamethrower or missile battery arrangement. And I need efficient AI.

These Mek Men are very interesting...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Wretch Brought to Safety

It is done! Wretch, formerly Paolo Marino, has been saved as can be evidenced of this footage of him praising my actions (in his own simple-minded way - he appears to be somewhat brain-damaged), flanked by a ZR Drone, and Torvald.

I have reported my success back to Seer Marino and to Ghost Widow, who have formally offered their own support to myself and Arachnos Research and Development. While the assistance of such magic-wielding allies may be of somewhat tenuous utility, it is nonetheless gratifying.

Now, to bed - today has been far too tiring for someone used to more intellectual pursuits.

Ghost Widow Secure

Only a quick shot of Huntsman Ohanko's defeat from my personal wrist communicator as it seems (from the interrogation of the rogue Huntsman) that Paolo, Wretch, may be in more trouble than we expected - Mu'Rakir has gone to end his life permanently.

Ghost Widow passed on her thanks for our assistance but bid myself, Westenra and Torvald to rush to Wretch's aid (as she morphed her ectoplasmic form out of phase with our reality - fascinating!).

On a more personal note, this is proving to be superlative field testing for my ZR Series and an excellent opportunity to prove Arachnos Research and Developments' loyalty to its parent company.

Getting Closer

Using the computers here in Ghost Widow's Tower (the stupidity of Mu'Rakir, trying to hold her in her own demense) I have managed to access some surveillance of Huntsman Ohanko - another one of this distasterous cabal - with Mu'Rakir's pet sorcerers.

It appears Mu'Rakir evades me for now, but I must free Ghost Widow! Arachnos will not suffer this sort of insubordination amongst our own ranks!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Ghost Widow Captured!

That fool Mu'Rakir! He's done what myself and Seer Marino expected and captured Ghost Widow! What in the name of Science does he think he is doing?

Even with his pet Mu Sorcerers, he can not think to contain an ectoplasmic entity of such sheer magnitude for any length of time - even if this Wretch, Paolo Marino, is her earthly anchor as stolen research from the Legacy Chain indicates.

Still, I'm sure she will not object to a little assistance so I am heading up a small expeditionary force of myself, Westenra (left on the surveillance photo), Torvald (right) and of course the reassembled ZR Series. We have to get through to Ghost Widow, before Mu'Rakir does any serious harm!

Saturday, November 12, 2005


It appears that I have been targetted by the Rogue Isles Police and put on their Most Wanted List. I shall have to take care in future to not leave any surveillance equipment unscrambled, though the footage does appear to be from an earlier foray into a Snake Cavern.

Ghost Widow Plotted Against?

On traveling between my facilities on Mercy Isle to Cap Au Diable (to meet with one of my Brokers) one of Arachnos' Fortunata Seers, Pia Marino, hailed me. Hovering over to her (using my recently perfected anti-gravity flight, developed from acquired Goldbrickers technology) she bid that I find out about her missing brother.

Well, on searching the abandoned building I chanced across a Mu Guardian named Mu'Rakir who told me both of the fate of Paolo and how it is intrinsically tied to the origin of Ghost Widow. Apparently, Paolo survives, but as Ghost Window's lackey - Wretch.

I am continuing to investigate for the Seer, but the deeper I go the more it seems that Mu'Rakir may be plotting against one of Lord Recluses' loyal Lieutenants. I must stop them if I can and as such I am working with the Fortunata to get closer to the Rogue Mu Guardians' inner circle.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Excellent. With the improvements I had made to my forcefield emitters to create Deflection and Insulation Shields it was relatively easy to bring the Protector ZR's Force Shield Emitter online.

As for the repair nanites, alas they appear to have been damaged and they are unable to replicate themselves as well as they once would. They can only effect the most rudimentary repairs to a Drone now. Still, it is better than the proverbial nothing.

The facilities in Fort Darwin are starting to feel cramped alas, and I am starting to consider moving to a more permanent facility for Arachnos Research and Development. Alas, our prestige within the organisation is not yet sufficient to push through such a change. Perhaps in time...


I was right! The vault did have the chassis of a Protector ZR in - the ZR-4 Model. A pity I could not locate a ZR-5 but this will do to kickstart my research.

All I have to do is get it's Force Shield and Repair systems functional again - these damn Council had disabled the defensive subroutines and only left its weapon systems online. Fools!

Do they not realise that as a support bot, the Protector ZR-4 increases the combat readiness of the entire ZR Autonomous Range? Imbeciles, the lot of them. Now, to work.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Someone will Pay!

Those damn Council! They had a Protector ZR all the time! I stopped by Fort Cerberus in Mercy Isle to discuss matters with the technicians there and discovered a technician working on some Council Mek Men.

Looking through their AI code, I spotted some of my very own sub-routines and signature coding. Thieves! My lifes work stolen and placed in inferior hardware!

Taking to the streets, I caught wind via my Cap Au Diable Broker (Desdemona the Glint) that the Council had a secret project stored in a secure facility. I there, but the vault seems to be reticent. I may be some time.

Damn them!

Friday, November 04, 2005

All that Glitters...

An article on the so-called Goldbrickers caught my eye today as I was perusing the local paper. Seems they are a ludicrously well-funded high-tech organisation - and fond of their flight capabilities.

Well, with being grounded becoming an irritation for me, I set out to assault a Goldbrickers hideout and acquire some of their technology so that I might reverse engineer it. As always, the Drone ZR's performed admirably and made short work of the Goldbrickers that were present.

I still bemoan the fact I can not track down a Protector ZR, but I have remodulated my forcefield projector so it can now create an insulating shield against elemental and energy-based attacks. I have also started preliminary research back into Protector ZR technologies in case the unthinkable happens and I have to start my work from scratch again.

On the positive side, Arachnos have extended a formal offer of working with them - I am now heading up a division names "Arachnos Research and Development" with full discretion on research and budgetary control. My only remit is to further develop weaponry and defenses on behalf of Arachnos - a task worthy of my intellect.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A Hack a Day, Keeps the Council Away

Further wranglings with the Council tonight, as I fought to stop them bringing in their Vampyr-creating serum to the Rogue Isles. Alas, I failed, and had to set the Drone ZR's on a Vampyr, ably assisted by a Brute of my acquaintance.

I took the opportunity, while back inside a Council Outpost to check their financial records, to confirm that they have purchased a Protector ZR. That, and transfer some much needed funds to my own research budget. I'm glad I always carry around my latop, and multi-purpose interface cable.

Certainly a reasonable amount had been used that might cover the black-market cost of a ZR Series robot, but was marked down as for an unspecified purpose. This Vendetti may well be trying to use me for his own purposes. I might go back to Drea and see who else he can put me in touch with tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Seeking Protection

Drea introduced me to a useful contact this morning - a man by the name of Angelo Vendetti. Apparently he seems to work for some kind of local crime syndicate in the Port Oakes area - a family affair if you will.

My only concern was that he could direct me to Council Facilities. Word has got to me that the Council bought one of my Protector ZR Series robots (from the stock of the warehouse I discovered early Sunday morning) in order to understand it and then improve on their own Mek Men.

Sure enough, this Vendetti soon asked me to assault a Council Base, and extract an Archon Winters. Presumably he wanted to interrogate the man himself, but I took my own opportuntity to question him in his weakened state about the whereabouts of one of my Protector ZR's. He knew very little, alas, so I turned him over to the Vendettis.

I must find a Protector ZR - the Drone ZR Series are starting to feel the strain in large-scale combat field tests and need the Force Shield and Repair support the Protector ZR's offer.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

An Unexpected Suprise

Fresh on the heels of my joy of being able to recreate a Drone ZR-1, I discovered late tonight that one of my old Paragon City Production Facilities had been raided by Mooks prior to the authorities. A few favours for Arachnos earnt me enough infamy to be directed to Drea the Hook, who provided vital information on their whereabouts.

Alas, the warehouse did not contain the entire ZR Series Autonomous Assault Line - it would appear they may have been sold off to higher bidders. However, I was able to retrieve a Drone ZR-2 and Equipping Hoist.

The ZR-2 is better armed than the ZR-1 and sports a Heavy Laser Cannon. I could not believe my luck, and have begun reverse-engineering my own work to better replicate it with the facilities Arachnos has kindly provided.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Field Test Alpha

Arachnos has fortuitously contacted me via the facilities they have provided me in Fort Darwin with a request that I send assistance on a raid against the "Snake" mutants plaguing their other facilities. Perfect timing for the field testing I wished to perform.

On learning that my ZR Series may not be fully ready, they provided me with a small squad of troops incase my technology or forcefields failed. They were not needed - the ZR-1 performed as expected, and the Deflection Shield I was able to generate for it held up reasonably. The forcefield technology definitely needs more work, as it still fails to stop any form of energy or elemental attacks.

Still, I am certainly on track. The resources the Rogue Isles yield are nothing short of remarkable.

So it begins again

Well, that was a lot smoother than expected. Apparently, Lord Recluse (the ruler of the island-chain demense I find myself on) is under the misaprehension I may be one of his "Chosen Ones". As such, I have been granted a small laboratory in order to continue my research into robotics and forcefield technologies.

I have free reign with the research, and this Arachnos Organisation is not bound by the stringent "morals" that the administration and so-called heroes of Paragon City adhere to.

I have already managed to reconstruct a crude copy of a Drone ZR-1, and will endeavour to field test it later today.


Arachnos. I owe them a debt, as today they assaulted the Zig to break out their "Chosen One" I took advantage of the commotion and escaped my cell.

I also slavaged enough components from the confiscated materials to reconstruct my multi-purpose wrist communicator. I can finally resume my field tests.

As soon as I've re-established a laboratory somewhere...

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Idiots. It would appear that I was not stripped of all my technology. My wrist communicator (though badly damaged) is still functional - this journal being testament to such.

This means that my facilities, or at least one of them, is still functional. I need components to repair my device - the forcefield generator may yet be serviceable, and the teleport beacon to call in my creations also active.


Fools! Do they not realise that my work is crucial to the development of autonomous AI? The military applications? Indeed the sheer challenges that I faced to get to this level of field testing?

The so-called heroes were in no danger - Paragon City's Emergency Medical Transport system ensures that much. I was only field-testing a single ZR Drone, without full assault capabilities. Hell, even my forcefield technologies were barely complete - all I could generate was an intermittant Force Bolt. For this they call me a villain? For this they confiscate my reseach and imprison me?

The authorities of Paragon are too close-minded, too rigid. I need new pastures, and better support for my works.

If only I can engineer a way out of "The Ziggurat".