I took some time out today to relax in the Arachnos Facility in Port Oakes while I was between field tests and catch up on some paperwork. Maintaining supplies for the ARAD Research Facility and keeping a neutral stance between Lord Recluses' Lieutenants uses up a lot of our scientists' prestige. The protection money alone is astronomical.
Still, the weapons and devices we supply Arachnos with do pay well, and we can certainly afford the bribes, backhanders and sweetners needed to keep the ARAD Lab in the black. Plus, plenty spare to requisition new parts.

I also popped by to Mercy Isle at Kalinda's request to show some new Destined Ones the height of Arachnos Technology with the ZR Autonomous COmbat System. I had quite a few interested new "villains" stop by to admire my handiwork.
Some days, it's just nice to stop and enjoy the Rogue Isles. It's a wonderful place to live and work - so full of opportunity
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