Well, now that the lab has been straightened up and I have made contact with my old colleague Doc Bot, I was finally able to venture into Spider City. I met a wonderful Rikti Ambassador called Kuhr'Rekt.
Seriously, those idiots over at Paragon have them all wrong - this is the second intimate dealing I've had with these aliens and they have been more cordial than the so-called "Freedom Phalanx" ever were.
Due to my local knowledge he contracted me for a few missions for him - for which in return I procured a few little toys from him.

Firstly I was able to barter from him one of the energy rifles the Rikti seem so proud of. It was at least comparable to my own ZR Assault Rifle, but lacked that extra bit of punch. Still, a serviceable weapon and one I will be keeping around for a forseeable time.
The second trinket was much more to my liking - three Rikti Drones, hard coded to follow me once activated. Alas, the Ambassador seems to have not fully trusted me as the first Drone I activated self-destructed on me after a certain period of time. I have retained one for futher study and reseach - of particular not is its shielding... I should be able to adapt it quickly for some form of body armour.

So, with a full ZR Autonomous Combat System Platoon, a Rikti Drone or two and Doc Bot's Ares Mk2 we made short work of the Longbow Base that Kuhr'Rekt wanted dealt with. Which was a pleasure since the imbecilic fools locked me up and set my research back by months!
Hell, I would have done it for nothing!