Saturday, May 19, 2007

Assault on Grandville!

Back to laying the groundwork for Project DESTINY today, though Black Scorpion still has not divulged the nature of the project to me. This time, apparently the Nemesis Army have got wind of something about the program and I was sent to one of their Shadow Shard Dimension bases to find out what.

It turned out that the Nemesis Army was executing a full scale attack on the heart of the Rogue Isles - Grandville! Teleporting back to my lab to exit directly in Grandville I found myself almost too late.

All of Lord Recluses' loyal lieutenants had taken the field, and I was bid to join them. While Scirocco, Black Scorpion and Captain Mako held a defensive line, Ghost Widow tortured one of their commanders. Weak minded fools - the time was for action when the wolf is at the door.

Summoning my ZR Automated Assault Platoon I marched down onto the beaches where I was faced with many of the Lord Nemesis' fake automatons. Until... well what I found on the beaches took my breath away.

A perfect design of form and function - mole machines! Of course, I had to destroy them on sight as they were being used to ship in reinforcements, but still they where worthy behemoths like something out of the Science Fantasy Comics I read as a child.

Judicious use of a Force Bubble ensured I was not bothered by the Warhulks on patrol around them, and the invasion was repulsed.

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