For the illiterate: An enjoyable diversion from your lab work, though linear in plotting
Rated: 74% Entertainment Value
So, the hapless @JamieB is the first to step into the arena with their opus "Cancelled in Three". A fictional piece set in the cut and thrust intellectual world of the comics industry. Yes. Well... I soldier on regardless.
As this is my first foray I attended in person since my lab assistant was out of the office and my heavier duty AI's in for servicing. I brought a platoon of ZR Autonomous Assault Systems and my trusty ZR Aegis Transponder with me.
We open on the enigmatically dressed Walt Kurtzberg who duly dispels all thoughts of an evening of evil masterplanning and insteads sends me to a Comic Convention. Not even a science symposium! Worse yet, the booking agent needs dissecting for setting the whole affair up in a warehouse!
Still, fighting the hordes of Pests, Cosplayers, Messageboarders and Goths was nothing if not satisfying on a purely spreading mayhem basis! The Cosplayers were remarkably eagle-eyed - able to see my platoon of ZR Autonomous Assault Systems at an actual human distance! I would wonder how my Stalker unit Assault ZR-Beta would have faired... At the crux though, it would appear that Paragon Comics has been subject to a hostile takeover...
Note for self: Audit the AI on Protector ZR-5 who seems to have exited the convention with a broadsword, a shirt, and some form of plush toy with tentacles. Recommend to Dr Darkespark that we reformat it's personality chip.
Next up, the story took me along to the offices of Paragon Comics. Here, I discovered office workers with a penchant for toys - replica laserswords, rifles and recurve bows. The office culminated in a meeting with The Publisher whose Dark Miasma powers and horde of Thug-ish lawyers did little to hinder my progress beyond a chuckle at his witticisms as he was cut down. A barrel of drugged ink identified the "nefarious" plot du jour.

A Fake Nemesis, therefore, was no great surprise as the new owner. This plot seems a little simplistic from what I've seen of Lord Nemesis in the past... though well I know how your own robotic creations can wander off with their own agendas. The foolish robot was summarily beaten down - only once being able to breach the shields from my ZR Aegis Transponder.
MZ's Conclusion: A story arc that was light on plot twists, medium to high on humour, solid on plot overall and I only find myself wishing for more interaction with the Nemesis Automatons for research purposes!
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