Regardless of where they hit, Arachnos refuses to let them get a foothold on our dimension, so I suited up in my Vanguard Flight Suit (so that goody-two-shoes hero Apex wouldn't recognise me) and took Apex's mission.
I was ably assisted by a selection of heroes and villains - namely the Scrappers Super Ready, Mystel, and Alexander Hamilton; Defenders Neo-Gene and Quaver; the Brute Inihilus; and my fellow Mastermind Nidah.

Unfortunately, her nano-technology jammed my ability to get a signal out from Steel Canyon, so i have no footage of the fight. Her tech was impressive, but I feel overly whimsical, taking the form of swords flying through the air.
That said, I need her orbital bombardment capability. Perhaps I can rig some form of satellite with some Incarnate-level components. Or perhaps.... yes, I could rig the ZR Aegis Transponder to emit some charge of requisite power...
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