Those damn Arbiters knew everything! Knew I'd kidnapped him, tortured him and worse under Black Scorpions' orders. Bad enough to be caught, worse to then be ordered to rescue Aeon from Silver Mantis. Worse still to be assisted by some of Ghost Widows' Night Widows.
Now there is an interesting aside - my sensors picked up some sort of binary transmission via a modified telepathy to these Night Widows. Much like the way the Clockwork King reputedly controls his robots. It hints at some quasi-robotic intelligence having influence over the Widows, and not just Ghost Widow herself.
Anyway... the whole sorry debacle wasn't over - after threatening Dr Aeon to keep the hell away from me, and to keep his fool mouth shut about the "extra-curricular" projects I forced him to work on, I then got another order from Arbiter Daos.

Well, I enlisted Ares MkII from Doc Bot as extra muscle, before going in with a ZR Series Autonomous Combat Platoon. While his armour was tough, alas he seems to be recruiting scientists straight out of college - I was able to bypass the armour in good order with the application of my robots' lasers and Ares MkII's electrofied fists.
Next time Black Scorpion - come direct to Arachnos Research and Development and not use your own pet scientists with untested technologies.