Damn Paragon City, damn their Police Department and damn that infernal research company that cut my funding. I am outraged - I will tear them limb from frikkin' limb. Noone does that to Master Zaprobo, NOONE! I will pull every storage, construction and research facility down around their ears.
Breathe... Today, while working for a new contact that by Grandville Broker Wiggy the Brit introduced me to - an canny character called Westin Phipps - I was told to intercept a shipment of new textbooks (might be something useful in them, maybe not). Imagine my outrage when the Paragon City Police Department who were protecting the shipment were using MY technologies.

Yes, you heard - they were using the ZR Autonomous Combat System. Single units, not a whole platoon. Oh I am livid. They removed my funding, forced me and my creations out then arrested me. And after that, simply continue my work anyway?!
Oh, it is ON Paragon City.
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