Sunday, July 27, 2008

Arachnos Rising

And so, it came down to it today. The Destiny Portal has been modified and I took my entourage (my esteemed colleagues Dr Darkespark, Twisted Metal, Operative Cobra and ouside contractor Terror Fish) through to an alternate universe to... defeat Lord Recluse. I managed to get some footage of the event, and I have produced the results here.

Unfortunately, my lab assistant has got to it first and has... modified it slightly. Alas, I have no other record and so it must stand.

Upon taking the evidence that I have defeated his alternate self to Lord Recluse he has finally decided to drop me from Project DESTINY as one of its targets and will instead put the full weight of Arachnos behind my work in his Research and Development team. Excellent.

1 comment:

Dr. Darkespark said...

Sometimes working for one so serious, I find my sense of humor goes unnoticed...

Dr. Darkespark