Saturday, October 29, 2005

So it begins again

Well, that was a lot smoother than expected. Apparently, Lord Recluse (the ruler of the island-chain demense I find myself on) is under the misaprehension I may be one of his "Chosen Ones". As such, I have been granted a small laboratory in order to continue my research into robotics and forcefield technologies.

I have free reign with the research, and this Arachnos Organisation is not bound by the stringent "morals" that the administration and so-called heroes of Paragon City adhere to.

I have already managed to reconstruct a crude copy of a Drone ZR-1, and will endeavour to field test it later today.


Anonymous said...

Zaprobo, I tell you now that you - and all others like you - will ultimately be captured and returned to the prison from which you escaped.

The heroes of Paragon City will not let Recluse's plans come to fruition.

Master Zaprobo said...

Narrow-minded, blinkered, typical mindset for a "hero". You are from Paragon City, right?

Anonymous said...

We shall meet again...

- Arachnos sensei, Vic Acid.

Anonymous said...

I'm from the one place where Lord Recluse's insidious plans cannot reach, and I plan to fight people like you so it can stay the same.

I'm watching you, Zaprobo. Never fear about that.