Saturday, December 16, 2006

Gally Ido? Done. Manticore? Almost!

Well, I made short work of "Agent" Gally Ido who was, quite frankly, a bit of a non event. The ZR Autonomous Combat Platoon shredded what paltry armour Longbow gives their agents these days.

Dead and buried.

However, I did glean who was stirring up all this trouble for the Bane Spider Project - the Paragon Hero Manticore. Finding out about his offshore floating fortress was easy, as was bypassing the defenses using a Personal Force Field.

And once inside? Well, he didn't last too long. Alas, he medi-ported out back to Paragon City - the ship must have been armed with a teleport node. I really must develop some form of inhibitor for those things - more heroes escape me that way!

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