My lab, luckily, must still have been in some state of repair as I was able to still use the ZR Aegis Transponder to summon my precious robots - still fully functional and deadly despite the aeons that must have passed for the future to get to this point. And what a horrible place the world has become!
This strange desolate version of Atlas Park was scattered with Arachnobots, Rikti and some Malta robotics. No humans, no survivors could be seen amongst the rubble of Atlas Park.

Alas, while I am correctly anchored to my own timeline now following my work with Dr Darksparke I could not fathom leaving until I got to the bottom of this. Science was with me - the lackey of Black Scorpion, one Silver Mantis, had survived this long with her cybernetic systems allowing her to co-exist with the mechanised denizens of the future and to outlive her more human compatriots.

I must find a way to stop Lord Recluse - I work for Arachnos willingly and would not see him put the future in jepardy like this. I must convince him.... or stop him.