It's been a while, but it looks like this so-called Emperor Cole has tried to send more of his lackeys to take over our Primal Earth. This time, they hit Paragon City - specifically in Kings Row (a grimy little district, which I never had any cause to visit even when I was a PC resident).
Regardless of where they hit, Arachnos refuses to let them get a foothold on our dimension, so I suited up in my Vanguard Flight Suit (so that goody-two-shoes hero Apex wouldn't recognise me) and took Apex's mission.
I was ably assisted by a selection of heroes and villains - namely the Scrappers Super Ready, Mystel, and Alexander Hamilton; Defenders Neo-Gene and Quaver; the Brute Inihilus; and my fellow Mastermind Nidah.

Once we arrived in Paragon, we discovered the Praetorian WarWorks had made short work of the police precinct - it's officers were just barely holding out. Once we cleared up that mess, and an issue with some Rikti Pylons and Hydra creatures in the sewers, we were then rerouted to Steel Canyon's Blyde Square where one of Cole's Lieutenants - Battle Maiden - was causing havoc.
Unfortunately, her nano-technology jammed my ability to get a signal out from Steel Canyon, so i have no footage of the fight. Her tech was impressive, but I feel overly whimsical, taking the form of swords flying through the air.
That said, I
need her orbital bombardment capability. Perhaps I can rig some form of satellite with some Incarnate-level components. Or perhaps.... yes, I could rig the ZR Aegis Transponder to emit some charge of requisite power...