I remember the first war - it was what drove me to robotics, to design tools that could fight for man, without man himself being in harms way. Willing tools of destruction, endless in their number the way the Rikti seemed to us during those terrible years before the Omega Team made their sacrifice. I had almost forgotten...
And the Rikti are back in force.
Oh, they never went away - small enclaves of them up and down Paragon City and I am sure around the world. We even had them here in the Rogue Isles where Lord Recluse tolerated them, and even allowed a Traditionalists Ambassador who I have worked with in the past. I have worked and fought alongside the Rikti - I have even liked them.
But now, the Restructurists have got reinforcements and new technology - there must be a new portal open... but where?
I must go, air raid sirens are calling the Rogue Isles to arms - for the weal of Arachnos, and the sake of our planet, I and Arachnos Research and Development must respond.
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