Naturally curious about what technologies they employed, I broke into one of their facilities and carried out some "investigations". Turns out they had some rudimentary shield technology embedded in autonomous drones (though of poor AI). After field-stripping one of these "Force Field Generators", I managed to extract the functional components and wire them into my Wrist Communicator.
This new "Dispersion Bubble" has a low power yield, allowing me to maintain it almost indefinitely. So far, it seems to disrupt any power or technology that would normally paralize myself or anyone within it along with a minor force shield effect. Very useful.
With my Wrist Communicators' ability to publish these archives, communicate with my allies, and produce three types of shields it is now certainly a formidable piece of technology in its own right. It should have a name... Of course! The "ZR Aegis Transponder" is born!
You can put stuff in Wrist Communicator?
(I don't own city of villains, so I don't know much)
Master Zaprobo, you need to invest in some PR research and get a trendier name for your Multi-Purpose Wrist Communicator. All the snazzy villains have cool motiff oriented names for their equipment. For example, my own Bot Summoning arm implant is called 'Captain's Whistle'. I paid some undergrads some nice loot to come up with that name.
More importantly, I have heard it said that Lord Recluse prefers to promote those with high Televsion Identification Ratings, so that his henchmen can be as familiar to the public as Statesman's own Freedom Fools. Why else would he promote an idiot like Black Scorpion so high?
I don't market the devices. Indeed, I don't even sell them - they are purely for use by Arachnos.
If Lord Recluse wants to market them then it is his purview to do so (though the ZR Aegis Transponder is hardly a mass-market consumer product and more a specialist military application).
I'm not in this for the fame, but the knowledge! Sweet, sweet knowledge.
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