Now that I have reached the rank of Captain within Arachnos Core, as well as Chief Scientist of Arachnos Research and Development, I have found myself thinking of my life a mere seven months ago when I broke out of the Zig back in Paragon City.
I have infamy, the brightest colleagues the Rogue Isles has to offer, unparalleled robotics and weaponry. I have an impressive list of souvenirs granted to me by members of the Rogue Isles community I have worked with and taken from fools I have defeated.
Actually, looking at them they're quite a mismatch. Kalinda's kiss, Bletchley's goggles, a letter sealed with a black kiss, the hit list, an after action report, an old drawing of myself, a Zig guard hat, a rivet, a coral shard, a darkened crystal, a fragment of Red Coral Crystal, an ancient Mu relic, Mynx's fur, the Brawler's mask, Luminary's schematics, a Rikti embryo, Infernal's axe, Luckless' lucky chip, a silver tongue, Johnny Sonata tickets, a completed contract, a "Vote for Wenkler" button, a Johnny Sonata techno-remix, a burned out spirit trap, a signed glossy of Johnny Sonata, a citation full of commendation, snakeskin boots, Indigo's hair, Tears of the Spirit, Jezebel's Token and a Longbow pin
Yet, I still feel there must be more out there. I have barely scratched the surface and never stepped foot outside of the lab into the rest of Grandville. Alas, Black Scorpion has informed me all "Destined Ones" have their permits on back order, so it's just a waiting game.
Still, seems that Technician Naylor still has some work for me to do...